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Turnier infos

Place and time

Day Tournament: Sunday the 19. January 2020 from 8 am to 6:40 pm.

Night Tournament: Saturday the 18. January 2020 from 7 pm to 3:30 am.

The closing date of applications is the

12. January 2020 - 12pm

Information about the location (Sports Hall)

Size: ca. 50m x 25m

Goals: 5m width

Boards: none (both sides)

Stands: several, direct view of the field

Parking spaces: ca. 250


You may only play using sneakers without black soles. Jewellery is not allowed. We highly recommend shin guards.


The fixture is determined after the closing date for applications. We can make no definite statements about the play mode until that time. However, every team is guaranteed to play 3 matches. The fixture will be mailed to all teams prior to the tournament und can be downloaded here starting from January 13. 2020.


The participants take care of their insurance. The operator is exempt from liability. We highly recommend the use of shin guards!


The ranking will be shown online after the event.

Information regarding the catering

Warm cooking & barbecued specialities:

  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Toast
  • Fries
  • Hot Dogs
  • Desert
  • Assorted beverages
  • Wine
  • Beer

Information regarding registration

Registrations for the tournament can only be made online.

The registration fee is CHF 160,- per team until 13. Januaryr 2020.

For late payments the fee is 250,- CHF.

Payments to be made to


8630 Rüti

Bank account-No.: 1100-6291.696

IBAN: CH24 0070 0110 0062 9169 6

Bankenclearing-Nr.: 700

SWIFT-Address (BIC): ZKBKCHZZ80A - for payments made from abroad


All referees are members of the Swiss Soccer Association.